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High-quality translation

Honyaku Plus specializes in top-quality Japanese-English translation. We only use translators who are native speakers of the target language (the final language of the translated document) and who are well versed in the subject concerned. We do this so as to deliver to our clients the finest finished product possible.

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Interpreting services

We supply interpreters—both simultaneous and consecutive—for international meetings held in Japan in a variety of fields. We ensure that our interpreters have a sufficient grounding in the subject at hand and that they are as well prepared as possible in advance. 

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Success stories

We are proud of our ability to put together teams of translators or interpreters that exactly fulfil the needs of our clients—like the time we found six qualified interpreters (at very short notice) to work in multiple cities across Japan for the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, whose 6o-person delegation was visiting Japan to learn about high-speed transportation and alternative energy production here.

Then there was the time that we translated into English a 300-page, 150,000-character book for Toyota Motor Corporation on the history and evolution of the company. We accomplished this in just one month.

We have also been privileged to serve some very high-profile interpreting clients, such as Governor Koike of Tokyo, sprinting legend Usain Bolt, and the FIFA Executive Committee.

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Our clients

Honyaku Plus has successfully served a prestigious array of household-name clients—both Japanese and international.

Major benefits

Proven track record

Honyaku Plus was established in Tokyo in March of 2003, and we have maintained a 95% client satisfaction rating throughout the years.

High quality

Our entire translation process is geared towards producing polished translations that are as close to perfect as is humanly possible.

Battle-tested translation process

We only use native speakers of the target (final) language, who are also specialized in the subject matter at hand. Translations are then thoroughly checked for accuracy and completeness, and finally edited for extra polish and consistency.

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Support for children's charities in Japan

We are proud of a CSR record stretching back over a decade

Honyaku Plus has consistently sought ways to benefit the wider community, with a focus on helping to raise money in aid of charities that work with Japanese orphans and other vulnerable children in care.

Mirai no Mori

The Tokyo-based NPO Mirai no Mori <> is an excellent volunteer organization which provides life-changing outdoor programs, such as summer and winter camps, for abused, neglected and orphaned children resident in Japanese care homes, so as to support their growth into happy and successful young adults. All of Mirai no Mori’s programs are designed to provide these at-risk children with the skills and knowledge that they will need to forge their own path in life, once they leave the care home.
(Roughly translated from Japanese, Mirai no Mori means something like “green shoots for tomorrow”.) 


The Tokyo-based NPO YouMeWe <> is a volunteer organization that organizes programs for teaching IT skills to care-home children.
These children include both orphans and children who have been the victims of neglect or abuse. Once they leave institutional care at the age of 18, they face a highly uncertain future, and are at risk of drifting into prostitution or crime.
YouMeWe teaches IT skills to these children, and this both enhances their future educational and employment prospects, and affords them some release from their everyday stresses. It also serves to give them more self-confidence and a sense of independence. While its main focus is on teaching IT, YouMeWe also teaches the children language and writing skills, and encourages them to contribute to the local community by helping the elderly get to grips with modern digital technology. Thus, YouMeWe seeks to help the children grow into productive and financially independent young adults who can contribute to their local community.

The Knights in White Lycra

The Knights in White Lycra <> is a team of cyclists who raise money for children’s charities in Japan through various sporting and social activities—the principle one being an annual sponsored 4-day, 500-km cycle ride around Japan every summer.
Honyaku Plus Director Phil Robertson has participated in the annual KIWL 500 on six occasions.

Telephone:    03-5913-8115
Address:        Ishijima 6-14, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0014
(visitors by appointment only, due to the pandemic)