High-quality translation
Honyaku Plus specializes in top-quality Japanese-English translation. We only use translators who are native speakers of the target language (the final language of the translated document) and who are well versed in the subject matter at hand. We do this so as to deliver to our clients the finest finished product possible.
We only use translators who are native speakers of the output language and who are well versed in the subject concerned.
Interpreting services
We supply interpreters—both simultaneous and consecutive—for international meetings held in Japan in a variety of fields. We ensure that our interpreters have a sufficient grounding in the subject at hand and that they are as well prepared as possible in advance.

Bosch | Yamaha | FIFA |
adidas | Nakasone Peace Institute | Gucci |
Panasonic | Sony | IIJ |
Our clients
Honyaku Plus has successfully served a prestigious array of household-name clients—both Japanese and international.
Major benefits
Proven track record
Honyaku Plus has successfully served a prestigious array of household-name clients—both Japanese and international.
High quality
Our entire translation process is geared towards producing polished translations that are as close to perfect as is humanly possible.
Battle-tested translation process
We only use native speakers of the target (final) language, who are also specialized in the subject matter at hand. Translations are then thoroughly checked for accuracy and completeness, and finally edited for extra polish and consistency.

“Hi—I’m Paul.”
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Telephone: 03-5913-8115
Website: www.honyaku-plus.com
e-mail: translator@honyaku-plus.com
About us