Tell us your translation problems—we have all the answers.

Honyaku Plus specializes in translation between Japanese and English. We only use translators who are native speakers of the target language (the final language of the translated document) and who are well versed in the subject matter at hand. We do this so as to deliver to our clients the finest finished product possible.

All translations are thoroughly checked before delivery, and we also offer our clients the option of a final edit as well, to give the final product that extra polish and finesse.

Although we specialize in J<>E translation, we also offer other services such as interpreting and work in around 25 different languages. We have an extensive roster of experienced and professional translators, interpreters, checkers and editors at our disposal, and thus believe that we are equipped to solve whatever language-related problems you may have, and to help you get your message across clearly in today’s globalized business environment.

Just click the button if you would like a Free Quote .

We are also happy to discuss your needs by phone.

With two decades of experience and a list of highly satisfied clients that includes some of Japan’s most prominent companies, we are in an ideal position to assist you.

The hallmarks of a Honyaku Plus translation are accuracy, completeness, attention to detail, and stylistic polish—such that the finished product reads just as smoothly and naturally as an original document in the same language.


Translators with expertise in your field!

We have long experience and a proven record in a wide variety of fields, including high technologyinternational relationsproduct marketsstock analysisdigital music, and sport.

We only use translators who are native speakers of the output language and who are well versed in the subject concerned.

We also enforce a thorough process of checking and editing that produces highly polished, highly accurate translations that read as well as original literature in the subject in question.

We've got the world covered!

Honyaku Plus has long experience in translation between Japanese and English. We also offer translation to and from Chinese, Arabic, and all major European and East Asian languages. 

We thus cover all the principal languages used in the major economies of the world, as well as the native languages of over 50% of the global population.


Interpreting—talking the talk!

We supply interpreters—both simultaneous and consecutive—for international meetings held in Japan in a variety of fields.

We ensure that our interpreters have a sufficient grounding in the subject at hand and that they are as well prepared as possible in advance.

The languages we offer include English, Japanese, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese and Arabic.

The two most common types of interpreting are simultaneous interpreting and consecutive interpreting.

In the case of consecutive interpreting, a speaker will utter one or more sentences while the interpreter takes notes. The speaker then pauses while the interpreter reproduces what the speaker has said in the other language, for the benefit of the audience or listening party.

In the case of simultaneous interpreting, a speaker delivers a speech without any break, and the interpreter reproduces what the speaker has said in the other language in real time (in effect, simultaneously) for the audience or listening party.

Stuff our clients say!

"Honyaku Plus translates high volumes of technical documentation on our digital musical instruments and the supporting hardware and software. They translate this material from Japanese into both English and other major European and Asian languages. They consistently provide a high-quality product and are able to work to tight deadlines."
Yamaha Music Japan
World-renowned musical instrument manufacturer
"Honyaku Plus has adapted a number of marketing articles as well as complex business documents for me. They delivered Japanese adaptations that did not read like a translation or something written by an American. They assigned the right person with the knowledge of my content (or someone who was able to learn it quickly!) and delivered an outstanding result every time, as confirmed by my Japanese clients and Japanese readers of my articles! When it came time to adapt my first book into Japanese, I turned to Honyaku Plus again and we developed a working process that fit my exact requirements and which delivered another outstanding result. They have played a big part in the success of my various projects in Japan, helping me avoid the communication gap trap!"
Robert E. Peterson
Wickaboag Consulting Group, Inc.
"Honyaku Plus have been translating academic papers on international relations, defense, economics, and the environment from Japanese into English for our biannual journal. The translations that they produce are unfailingly of the highest quality in terms of both accuracy and style. In short, the translations read as well as original English-language academic material."
Nakasone Peace Institute
Leading Tokyo think-tank

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Executive profiles

Paul Flint

Paul Flint

Co-founder, Representative Director

Paul has been the Representative Director of Y.K. Honyaku Plus since the company’s inception in 2003. He oversees planning, HR, finance, systems development, product development, and operations.

Phil Robertson

Phil Robertson

Co-founder, Director

Phil has been a director of Honyaku Plus since the company’s founding in 2003. He oversees marketing, recruitment and quality assurance.

Contact details

Our telephone number
03-5913-8115(+81-3-5913-8115 from outside Japan)

Our fax number
03-5913-8116(+81-3-5913-8116 from outside Japan)

Our e-mail addresses
<> if requesting translation services,
<> if seeking employment.

Company details


Honyaku Plus


Yugen gaisha (limited company)








March 11, 2003


6,000,000 yen


Paul Flint

Phil Robertson


Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ,

Higashi Nihon Ginko

Professional associations:

Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Honyaku Plus on social media